Saturday, 5 November 2011

Apricot Halwa (Khubani ka meeta)


Dry apricots-250gms
Sugar -150gms
Almonds -1/4cup (peeled)
To serve:
Vanila ice cream-2 scoops

1. Wash the apricots and soak them in water overnight, preferably in the fridge.
2. The Next day Once the water is all sucked up, blend and puree them and set a side.
3. In a heavy vessel, melt sugar with ¼ th cup of water, bring it to syrup like consistency.
4. Now to this sugar syrup add the puree and continue cooking over low flame/heat.
5 .Once halwa consistency is achieved, remove from heat.
6. Transfer the contents into a serving dish. serve warm or chilled accompanied by ice cream.

(Photo will be updated soon)

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