Thursday, 10 April 2014

Raw Onion Chutney (Ulli Karam)

This Declicious accompaniment  come from Rayalaseema in AndhraPradesh.This is a raw chutney strongly flavored with raw onions.This chutney tastes best when it is made super spicy . Goes well with Jowar Roti (Jonna Rotti).

Serves 2-3

Total Prep time:10 mins 

Shallots 20-25 (or) Onions Big -2nos
Red Chilli Powder-1 1/2tbsp (Adjust according to your taste)
Tamarind Pulp-1Tsp
Salt to taste
Coriander Powder-1tsp
Garam Masala-1tsp
Oil-1 cup


1. Peel the skins of shallots and keep them ready, if the shallots are big cut them into 2-3 pieces. If you are using large onions peel and cut them into chunks roughly.

2. In a blender add shallots, Red chilli Powder, coriander powder,garam masala tamarind pulp and salt and grind to get a coarse chutney. Do not grind it longer, just pulse it until you get chunky chutney . 
3. Remove the chutney in to a bowl and add 1 cup of oil (at room temperature).And serve with Jowar Roti ,Phulka or with hot steamed rice.

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